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Simulating your application

There are three ways to define a simulation:

  • Inside your application folder: put the simulation resc file under “board” along side your overlay.

  • Inside the main board folder: put it alongside of board dts file.

  • As a separate testbench: put it under “testbench” and add Kconfig option to enable the testbench.

Regardless of where you put your simulation, the files you add are the same. The simulation consists of two files:

  • resc: this is a platform creation script. It runs commands that are supported by the simulation monitor. You can extend monitor using python (check implementation of the nucleo401re testbench inside this repository).

  • repl: this is a platform definition file that defines peripherals for a machine. If you have multiple machines in your simulation, you would have multiple platforms - but only one platform file per machine.

It is the repl file that points to simulation implementation files (which are written in Python or C#) for every peripheral that is part of a machine.

You can extend repl files easily as well:

using "platforms/cpus/stm32f4.repl"

                6 -> gpioExpander@16

A0: Miscellaneous.Button @ gpioExpander
                -> gpioExpander@0

gpioExpander: GPIOPort.MCP23S17 @ spi1
                INTA -> gpioPortB@8
                INTB -> gpioPortB@9
                8 -> SW0LED@0

SW0LED: Miscellaneous.LED @ gpioExpander

The corresponding resc file would look like this:

:name: MCP23S17 Sample
:description: Custom MCP23S17 Board

using sysbus


i $ORIGIN/visualizer/plugin.py
i $PROJECT_BASE/renode/drivers/gpio/Mcp23S17.cs

# Create a machine (and switch to machine context)
mach create

# Load platform definition
machine LoadPlatformDescription $ORIGIN/testbench.repl

showAnalyzer sysbus.usart2

macro reset
                sysbus LoadELF $bin

runMacro $reset

Running your simulation

Depending on whether you want to run app specific simulation, basic board simulation or a testbench, you can do so using designated make targets.

# run resc for current app under app/boards/<board>.resc
west build -t appbench
# run resc for current board under <board>/<board>.resc
west build -t boardbench
# run testbench defined under testbenches and enabled in prj.conf
west build -t testbench

By default, simulation is started directly in the terminal and there is no extra uart window. You can connect to any uart on your simulated board using renode command ‘uart_connect’:

(machine-0) uart_connect sysbus.usart2

If you want to run the simulation in a more graphical mode then you can use the same commands with “_xwt” at the end:

# run resc for current app under app/boards/<board>.resc
west build -t appbench_xwt
# run resc for current board under <board>/<board>.resc
west build -t boardbench_xwt
# run testbench defined under testbenches and enabled in prj.conf
west build -t testbench_xwt

The same applies to debugserver. There are dedicated commands for each simulation to start debugserver automatically (of course you can start it manually through the monitor as well):

# run resc for current app under app/boards/<board>.resc
west build -t appbench_debugserver
# run resc for current board under <board>/<board>.resc
west build -t boardbench_debugserver
# run testbench defined under testbenches and enabled in prj.conf
west build -t testbench_debugserver

Automating your simulation

Automation is achieved by starting the simulation from a robot framework script. This functionality is provided by the ‘robotbench’ target.

Inside your testbench you can see a file called ‘testbench.robot’:

*** Settings ***
Resource                      ${RENODEKEYWORDS}
Suite Setup                   Setup
Suite Teardown                Teardown
Test Setup                    Reset Emulation
Test Teardown                 Test Teardown

*** Variables ***
${PROJECT_BASE}               %{PROJECT_BASE}
${BOARD}                      %{BOARD}
${UART}                       sysbus.usart2

*** Test Cases ***

Leds can be controlled by buttons
        Set Test Variable  ${GPIO}  GPIO_E0
        FOR  ${PIN}  IN RANGE  8  15
                ${btn}=  Evaluate  ${PIN} - 8
                Write Line To Uart  gpio get ${GPIO} ${PIN}
                Wait For Line On Uart  Value 0  timeout=2

                Execute Command  sysbus.spi1.gpioExpander.A${btn} Press
                Write Line To Uart  gpio get ${GPIO} ${PIN}
                Wait For Line On Uart  Value 1  timeout=2

                Execute Command  sysbus.spi1.gpioExpander.A${btn} Release
                Write Line To Uart  gpio get ${GPIO} ${PIN}
                Wait For Line On Uart  Value 0  timeout=2

*** Keywords ***

        Execute Command           set bin @${APPLICATION_BINARY_DIR}/zephyr/zephyr.elf
        Execute Command           set APPLICATION_BINARY_DIR @${APPLICATION_BINARY_DIR}
        Execute Command           include @${CURDIR}/testbench.resc
        Create Terminal Tester    ${UART}
        Start Emulation
        Wait For Line On Uart           MCP23S17 initialized

This file automates loading of the firmare into a testbench and then executing actual tests against it. RobotFramework is written in python so it is possible to include inline python code inside the tests and extend the test using python.

This provides true testing capabilities which resc files on their own lack. Using robotbench you can run your simulation and tests in CI quite easily.