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Flashing on real hardware

You can also flash the application on the real nucleo board. For this you will need to expose USB to the docker image so you can connect to your JTAG adapter. This can be done by running the docker image in privileged mode and mounting usb devices. On linux this can be done like this:

docker run -t -i --privileged -v /dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb \

Now you should be able to flash a sample application like this:

west build -b stm32f429i_disc1 ../zephyr/samples/basic/blinky \
        -t flash

For a list of boards you can execute:

west boards

Note that not all applications support all of the boards. Specially not ones that rely on external peripherals. This means that you may not be able to build them unless the app is configured to support the target board.