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The GNA API provides access to Intel’s Gaussian Mixture Model and Neural Network Accelerator (GNA).

Configuration Options

Related configuration options:

API Reference

group gna_interface

This file contains the driver APIs for Intel’s Gaussian Mixture Model and Neural Network Accelerator (GNA)


enum gna_result

Result of an inference operation




static inline int gna_configure(const struct device *dev, struct gna_config *cfg)

Configure the GNA device.

Configure the GNA device. The GNA device must be configured before registering a model or performing inference

  • dev – Pointer to the device structure for the driver instance.

  • cfg – Device configuration information

Return values
  • 0 – If the configuration is successful

  • A – negative error code in case of a failure.

static inline int gna_register_model(const struct device *dev, struct gna_model_info *model, void **model_handle)

Register a neural network model.

Register a neural network model with the GNA device A model needs to be registered before it can be used to perform inference

  • dev – Pointer to the device structure for the driver instance.

  • model – Information about the neural network model

  • model_handle – Handle to the registered model if registration succeeds

Return values
  • 0 – If registration of the model is successful.

  • A – negative error code in case of a failure.

static inline int gna_deregister_model(const struct device *dev, void *model)

De-register a previously registered neural network model.

De-register a previously registered neural network model from the GNA device De-registration may be done to free up memory for registering another model Once de-registered, the model can no longer be used to perform inference

  • dev – Pointer to the device structure for the driver instance.

  • model – Model handle output by gna_register_model API

Return values
  • 0 – If de-registration of the model is successful.

  • A – negative error code in case of a failure.

static inline int gna_infer(const struct device *dev, struct gna_inference_req *req, gna_callback callback)

Perform inference on a model with input vectors.

Make an inference request on a previously registered model with an of input data vector A callback is provided for notification of inference completion

  • dev – Pointer to the device structure for the driver instance.

  • req – Information required to perform inference on a neural network

  • callback – A callback function to notify inference completion

Return values
  • 0 – If the request is accepted

  • A – negative error code in case of a failure.

struct gna_config
#include <gna.h>

GNA driver configuration structure. Currently empty.

struct gna_model_header
#include <gna.h>

GNA Neural Network model header Describes the key parameters of the neural network model

struct gna_model_info
#include <gna.h>

GNA Neural Network model information to be provided by application during model registration

struct gna_inference_req
#include <gna.h>

Request to perform inference on the given neural network model

struct gna_inference_stats
#include <gna.h>

Statistics of the inference operation returned after completion

struct gna_inference_resp
#include <gna.h>

Structure containing a response to the inference request