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Console over CDC ACM UART Sample


A simple Hello World sample, with console output coming via CDC ACM UART. Primarily intended to show the required config options.


This project requires a USB device controller driver.

Building and Running

This sample can be built for multiple boards, in this example we will build it for the reel_board board:

west build -b reel_board samples/subsys/usb/console
west flash

Plug the board into a host device, for sample, a PC running Linux OS. The board will be detected as a CDC_ACM serial device. To see the console output from the sample, use a command similar to “minicom -D /dev/ttyACM0”.

Hello World! arm
Hello World! arm
Hello World! arm
Hello World! arm


You may need to stop modemmanager via “sudo stop modemmanager”, if it is trying to access the device in the background.