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Nucleo401RE MCP23S17 Testbench

This testbench is a simple setup with an STM32F401RE board connected to an SPI GPIO expander. This test bench uses websocket to interface with the simulation.

The GPIO expander PORTA is connected to 8 buttons and PORTB is connected to 8 LEDs.


The testbench is suitable for running the mcp23s17 driver sample:

west build -p -b custom_board samples/drivers/gpio/mcp23s17 -t testbench

You may need to start the visual server (if it doesn’t start automaticallY):

startVisual 8000

Now you can access the testbench through “localhost:8000” address.

This testbench demonstrates a simple way to create visualizations for your product using javascript. This has the advantage of allowing you to use mature web frameworks like jQuery for controlling your UI elements.