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Peripheral Simulation Using Native Shared Library

This sample shows how to write a plugin for interfacing with a shared library allowing you to memory map your new simulated peripheral into your microcontroller address space in simulation.

cperipheral: SharedLibraryPeripheral @ sysbus <0x70000000, +0x100>

Which allows us to then access our peripheral from the firmware side directly as though it was mapped into processor address space:

#define REG_BASE (volatile uint32_t *)0x70000000;
#define REG_IN *(REG_BASE + 0x01)
#define REG_OUT *(REG_BASE + 0x02)

REG_IN = 555;
printf("REG_OUT = %08x\n", REG_OUT);

This gives us flexibility to create powerful simulation tools that run along side of our firmware such as dynamic model simulation, physics simulation or other types of sensor simulation.