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Downloading Docker Image And Source Code

The SDK is provided to you in two ways:

  • Docker images: there are two images: build image and develop image. The build image contains everything necessary to run builds in CI (including simulation testbench and RobotFramework user scenarios). The develop image is a simple integrated development environment which can be used for terminal based development (if you want to use VSCode or some other graphical editor, you can use edit your code locally and use this image for testing and debugging).

  • Source code: the source code of the SDK can be used for working with the SDK completely outside of the docker image. This repository contains a separate installation script which installs all the necessary tools that are also available as part of the docker image. This repository can be used standalone, but using the docker image guarantees that there are no errors during configuration.

Using the docker image to build and run a sample application

First you need to pull the docker image. This image consists of several “layers” or “parts” (which is how docker works) and contains a development environment.

$ docker pull swedishembedded/develop:latest

Once the image is downloaded, you can now start the docker container. A docker container is like a virtual machine - but the difference is that it runs natively - so there is no performance hit when working inside the container.

$ docker run -ti swedishembedded/develop:latest
SDK /build>

You are now inside the docker container system. Everything inside this system is disposable. When you stop and restart your docker container, all your changes will be reverted. This is intentional.

If you want to prevent this, you should make one of your local directories available inside docker.

$ docker run -ti -v /local/path:/docker/path swedishembedded/develop:latest
SDK /build> ls -la /docker/path

You will now see your local files under /docker/path. Making any changes here will directly effect your local files on your computer!

You can now build and run a sample application from inside the docker container:

SDK /build> cd platform/sdk
SDK /build/platform/sdk> west build -p -b custom_board apps/shell

This cross compiles a shell application and produces a binary for STM32.

You can now run this binary in the simulation by simply typing:

SDK /build/platform/sdk> west build -t appbench

This will run the application specific testbench. There are several testbench methods available:

  • robotbench: this is used for running robot framework scripts in CI for a product specific testbench.

  • testbench: this invokes the product specific testbench configured through project Kconfig option.

  • boardbench: this runs the default minimal board simulation (without external peripherals) provided by the board definition.

  • appbench: this runs an app specific simulation which uses app specific platform definition (provided by the application) and contains all peripherals that are specified by the app for target board. This is suitable for debugging.

Once you have executed appbench you will be in the simulation monitor prompt. This prompt is very powerful.

You can type “help” to get help:

(machine-0) help
alias             : sets an alias.
allowPrivates     : allow private fields and properties manipulation.
analyzers         : shows available analyzers for peripheral.
commandFromHistory: executes command from history.
createPlatform    : creates a platform.
currentTime       : prints out and logs the current emulation virtual and real time
displayImage      : Displays image in Monitor
execute           : executes a command or the content of a variable.
help              : prints this help message or info about specified command.
history           : prints command history.
include           : loads a monitor script, python code or a plugin class.
lastLog           : Logs last n logs.
log               : logs messages.
logFile           : sets the output file for logger.
logLevel          : sets logging level for backends.
mach              : list and manipulate machines available in the environment.
macro             : sets a macro.
numbersMode       : sets the way numbers are displayed.
path              : allows modification of internal 'PATH' variable.
pause             : pauses the emulation.
peripherals       : prints list of registered and named peripherals.
python            : executes the provided python command.
quit              : quits the emulator.
require           : verifies the existence of a variable.
runMacro          : executes a command or the content of a macro.
set               : sets a variable.
showAnalyzer      : opens a peripheral backend analyzer.
start             : starts the emulation.
string            : treat given arguments as a single string.
using             : expose a prefix to avoid typing full object names.
verboseMode       : controls the verbosity of the Monitor.
version           : shows version information.

For example, while your application is running you can log function names into a file:

(machine-0) logFile @/build/platform/sdk/foo.log
(machine-0) logLevel 0 file
(machine-0) sysbus.cpu LogFunctionNames true

In the log file you will then see every single function call that your firmware makes:

14:42:41 [INFO] cpu: Entering function sys_clock_announce at 0x8004CD0
14:42:41 [INFO] cpu: Entering function sys_clock_set_timeout (entry) at 0x8003A2C
14:42:41 [INFO] cpu: Entering function sys_clock_set_timeout at 0x8003A4A
14:42:41 [INFO] cpu: Entering function sys_clock_set_timeout at 0x8003A50
14:42:41 [INFO] cpu: Entering function sys_clock_set_timeout at 0x8003A54
14:42:41 [INFO] cpu: Entering function sys_clock_set_timeout at 0x8003AA2
14:42:41 [INFO] cpu: Entering function sys_clock_set_timeout at 0x8003A5E

Every emulated peripheral has it’s own log level. You see a list of peripherals by using the “peripherals” command. Run “logLevel” without any arguments to see what log levels are currently defined.

This is only a fraction of what the emulation monitor can do. Use tab completion inside the monitor window to get hints of what methods you can call. Try it on sysbus peripherals:

(machine-0) sysbus.<tab>

Downloading and using SDK without Docker

Even if docker provides a fast way to get started, it is often convenient to configure the SDK and all the tools on your local system.

First you need to create a workspace directory under which all tools will be downloaded. You will check out the SDK source code into the empty workspace directory and then SDK init script will populate the same directory with other dependencies.

mkdir workspace && cd workspace
git clone https://github.com/swedishembedded/sdk
cd sdk

You can now use scripts provided by the SDK to initialize your local build environment without using docker.

To execute the whole build process manually on your computer you can use following commands:

  • ./scripts/install-sdk: install toolchains and compilation tools

  • ./scripts/init: insitialize the workspace and pull dependencies source code

  • robot scrum: run scrum tests

  • ./scripts/check: run all source code checks

  • ./scripts/build: build all applications and samples

  • ./scripts/test: build and run all unit and integration tests

  • robot post-build: execute post build compliance tests on build output

The first command prepares your system for development. The other commands are important to know about because they are run as part of CI process and you can run them manually before pushing to ci in order to check if everything builds properly.